
Alpenglow Board Game

A collection of thoughts from the design, development, testing and publication of Alpenglow, a ski resort themed board game.

What started as a fun discussion of what a ski-themed game could be like during a cold morning car ride turned into the publication of Alpenglow. This is a series of blog posts detailing my thoughts as I went through the process of of designing my first board game.

What is a board game anyways? The last 20 years have seen a significant shift in the industry from rather basic games and the American commoditized notion of a deck of cards or a board and dice. The euro-style games coming from Germany and nearby countries have not only challenged what a game can be but pushed the boundaries for board games as their digital counterparts have emerged and flourished with spectacular growth, creativity, and complexity.

Dive into the articles for more on how it all began, what it was like preparing prototypes, getting friends together for play-testing, and the whole story behind the art. The process of putting together a rule book and our plans for publication, manufacturing and release are all to follow as well. It's a wild adventure taking a game from idea to the table so enjoy reading about how Alpenglow all came together for us.


Photo Credit and Caption: Alpenglow Game Board by Sean Wittmeyer

Cite this page:

Wittmeyer, S. (2022, 23 December). Alpenglow Board Game. Retrieved from

Alpenglow Board Game was updated December 23rd, 2022.

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Articles and Projects

Explore Alpenglow Board Game further in the articles, observations, and projects I've had the opportunity to work on.

Alpenglow Design Series 5. Rules and Revisions The most important part of the process so far has been learning how to teach new players and ditching the personal tutorials for a rulebook is tough. Keep reading... →
Alpenglow Design Process 4. From Wireframes to Illustrations What is arguably just as fun as designing the mechanics of the game is crafting the art and components to make a great first impression yet be easy to play with and enjoy. Keep reading... →
Alpenglow Design Process 3. Play Testing Applying game theory to the process of designing a game is a great way to keep the project on task as anything is subject to change. Keep reading... →
Alpenglow Design Process 2. The First Prototype The first step of getting your first prototype more than pushing print or buying the components. It's the process of thinking out all of the ways you want the game to play and preparing for them. Keep reading... →
Alpenglow Design Process 1. It Started with the Theme A creative discussion in a car on the way to get a Christmas tree turned into the foundation of Alpenrose, a ski resort themed. Keep reading... →