Next Generation Infrastructure & Mobility
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This website is relatively new and some of the articles are not yet posted. Please mind the dust as I transition content and projects over.
This website is relatively new and some of the articles are not yet posted. Please mind the dust as I transition content and projects over.
Photo Credit and Caption: Stadshal by Robbrecht en Daem and Marie-José Van Hee (photo by Sean Wittmeyer)
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Wittmeyer, S. (2021, 15 May). Next Generation Infrastructure & Mobility. Retrieved from
Next Generation Infrastructure & Mobility was updated May 15th, 2021.
Article The Smartphone as urban mediator and ‘sixth-sense’
A new platform for recognizing and acting upon the signals of the city. Article presented at the 14th Meeting of the AESOP Thematic Group on Planning and Complexity, Bamberg, Germany Keep reading... →
Urban Scale The BoCo/LoDo Line
A light rail study for the automobile-dominant Northwest Corridor between Denver and Boulder, Colorado. Keep reading... →
Large Scale The Green Bastards Food Hub
Welcome to the place that brings people and food together in Las Vegas. We create communities and connect you with the world of quality, local, and nutritious food. Keep reading... →
Urban Scale The Missing Middle of Capitol East
An archicomic on potential paths to address the missing middle, a void between East High and Capitol View Elementary Schools created by the creation of Interstate 235 in Des Moines, Iowa. Keep reading... →
Urban Scale Our Gardens: Ames
Our Gardens: Ames is a circular model for how urban sprawl and agricultural industry can find synergy rather than displace each other by integrating new urban agricultural practices between the homes of the community. Keep reading... →
Observation Indoor and Local Growing
Who is growing at the local scale in Las Vegas, what does it look like, and how does the question of the indoors change the question? Keep reading... →
This is the subtitle Idea - Coronavirus as the City's Impetus for Change
Cities are taking a number of radical steps towards more equitable and sustainable future through technological, planning, and urban design initiatives due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Keep reading... →
This is the subtitle Idea - Civic Services and Mobile-Only Delivery
The Coronavirus pandemic has been pushing public agencies to deliver services through online services but this shift from paper forms and in-person interactions isn't new. Keep reading... →
This is the subtitle Decentralizing the Authority on Civic Ratings
The tradition of going though official or authoritative channels for information about public services and city assets is becoming decentralized. Keep reading... →
Observation Challenges of the Centralized Smart Cities Approach
Smart cities as a topic of discourse and introduction into the urban landscape is evolving as fast as it has come into the world. One theme of late is the difficulty to make them work, especially when approached from the ground, up. Keep reading... →
Idea A food hub for Las Vegas
An introduction into a project studying the food landscape of Las Vegas and the potential to serve the community through a food hub. Keep reading... →